These secondary math classes will use graphing calculators as a resource for instruction and evaluation.
- 6th Grade
- 6th Grade Accelerated
- 6th Grade TAG
- 7th Grade
- 7th Grade Accelerated*
- 8th Grade*
- Algebra I*
- Geometry
- Algebra II
- Precalculus
- Math Models
- College Ready Math
- Statistics
* These courses will require a graphing calculator for STAAR Testing.
Desmos Calculator
Many secondary math classrooms in Round Rock ISD will use the Desmos Graphing and Desmos activities as a resource during instruction. These digital resources are also used to engage students in various activities. Desmos Calculators will be one option for state testing (STAAR/EOC). For more information, visit

Students in secondary math courses may also use the TI-84 Plus or TI-84 plus CE handhelds developed by Texas Instruments.
If you want to buy a calculator for home use, we recommend that you purchase the one used in their classroom. (We recommend students use a TI-84 Calculator. TI-84s come in many colors and styles but anything that says TI-84 will be great (TI-84, TI-84 Plus, TI-84 plus Silver or TI-84 plus CE) you can access to compare the models. Owning a graphing calculator extends the learning process beyond classroom instruction to further study at home. It allows students to use their graphing calculator at any time to complete homework assignments, review their work, study for tests and even explore math and science topics on their own.
Furthermore, a graphing calculator is a learning tool designed to help students visualize and better understand concepts in mathematics and science. It allows students to make real-world connections in a variety of subjects. As they gain a deeper understanding of the material, students acquire the critical thinking and problem-solving skills they need to attain greater academic success.

TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculators are permitted on the following exams:
» SAT® » AP®
» ACT® » IB® Diploma Programme
» PSAT/NMSQT® » And many state tests
ACT/SAT Calculators
For the calculator requirements for the ACT, please click here.
For the calculator requirements for the SAT, please click here.
For the calculator requirements for the PSAT, please click here.