While instructional differentiation is expected to occur to address the unique needs of specific students, that instruction shall be derived from a set of curriculum learnings common to all students. There shall be equal access to the curriculum for all students, which shall be delivered in an equitable manner. The curriculum shall be designed and implemented using a standards-based curriculum approach that reflects the best available knowledge of the growth and development of learners, the needs of learners based on the nature of society, state law, and State Board of Education rules.
Purpose and Quality Standards
We enhance teaching and learning.
Quality Standards
- Aligned
- Flexible
- Inclusive
- Responsive
- Educative
Access to quality education is needed for us to grow, to develop, and better ourselves as a society. A quality education cultivates the intellect, skill-sets, wellness, and emotional maturity of each student. An equitable, educational opportunity for all students begins with the culture set by a district’s curriculum. Engaged and genuine partnerships between our department, schools, students, parents, the community, and businesses are critical to successful student outcomes.
- We believe the curriculum must be aligned Pre-kindergarten through 12 in order to be effective.
- We believe a curriculum must be a coherent organized set of instructional opportunities that allow for tiered student learning.
- We believe curricula should be culturally relevant, provide experiences and connections with home and community, and maximize students’ learning conditions.
- We believe the curriculum should include components of district-wide, embedded professional development, and support for teachers.
- We believe all students can learn.
- We believe all students can achieve excellence.
- We believe students’ need are diverse and encompass various solutions.
- We believe all students deserve an equitable opportunity to develop their unique capabilities.
- We believe students deserve physically and emotionally safe learning experiences.
Teaching and Learning
- We believe teaching and learning require the inclusion of reading, writing, speaking, listening, numeracy, and digital literacies in all content areas.
- We believe teaching and learning cultivate creative thinking, problem-solving, and the iterative process.
- We believe teaching and learning require authentic experiences in acquiring skills and knowledge and application of what is learned to other contexts.
- We believe teaching and learning require a variety of pedagogical techniques and methodologies to reach all students.
- We believe teaching and learning require active and social collaboration by teachers and students.
- We believe teaching and learning include the daily use of a variety of assessment practices.
Beliefs Document
Inspiring students to learn; empowering students for life.
The mission of the Round Rock ISD Curriculum Department is to provide an exemplary curriculum that is academically challenging, culturally relevant, and in alignment with state standards. In pursuing our mission we are focused on students and grounded in best practices.
Provide required components of a guaranteed and viable curriculum within 3 years of adopting new standards and instructional materials.
Best Practices
- Standards Alignment
- Authentic
- Relevant
- Formative and Summative Assessment
- Communication
- Collaboration
- Inquiry
- Reflection
- Differentiation
- Problem-Solving
- Culture/Environment
- Digital Learning
General Information
Round Rock ISD Curriculum Management Plan
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)
English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS)
Curriculum At-A-Glance
Scope and Sequence (includes Unit Plans)
Digital Learning Resources and Online Textbooks
Reading and Writing to Learn (used with all content areas)
Curriculum Staff
Language Arts
Suggested Articles:
Social Studies
English as a Second Language (ESL)/ English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
English Language Arts
- Instructional Leadership for Literacy
- Secondary Reading List
- Reading List Process
- Reconsideration Process
Languages Other Than English
- Beliefs Document
- Position Statement for Classroom Assessments
- Science Labs and Lab Safety
- Engineering and Science ADI or or ADI /ADE
Social Studies